Water My Plants


You'll never have to remember to water your plants again with Water My Plants.

Plant Profiles

Input data to create a robust overview of each plant you own. From height to color and everything in between, have a detailed analysis of what your plant looked like at day one to now. User-friendly and aesthetically pleasing, you’ll enjoy seeing the growth you helped your plant achieve thanks to your scheduled nourishment.

Add A Picture

Upload a snapshot of your plant with our profile picture tool. Have fun updating your plant’s profile picture over time and see the changes in its growth! Otherwise feel free to use our database of curated stock photos

Pick a Schedule

When is your favorite time to water your plants? Early in the morning after a nice cup of coffee while watching the sun fill your home? Maybe at night when everyone’s asleep and you can hear the water splash gently onto the soil of your plants. Whichever you prefer, you’re in control with the Water My Plants app.

Get Notified

Get push notifications and alarms at the scheduled time to water your plants! Choose from an assortment of melodic tunes that’ll make anyone excited about watering their plants.